What won't they say? What are they already saying? So why does it even matter? Especially if your goals and actions are aligned with you connecting to the divinity within. Who are you to allow the thoughts actions or voiced opinions of others detour you from your spiritual journey ? Do others know the pact that you made with God before you came down to Earth for this reincarnation? Or do you even? Sometimes the road less traveled by is actually the key to salvation and success. Allowing anyone to make you feel less than or weird because you look within or choose to research and exercise lifestyle changes that are not quote on quote normal are not fair to you. You don't have to be defensive or secretive... you could just be. If someone wants an explanation always be open to teach in the best ways that you know how without bashing or being disrespectful to anyone else's preferences even if they disrespect yours. The ignorance of others has been known to cause confusion for thousands of years, people have always feared what they don't understand. Accepting that you cannot make people embrace your changes or even accept them and see you in the light that you long to be seen in, will be one the biggest challenges that you face upon opening your life up to spirituality. Religious family members and friends may go out their way to make you feel uncomfortable because of their discomfort. You may

find yourself becoming distant, or you may find yourself having to choose between those you love or living with your divinity.
What won't they say? What are they already saying? So why does it even matter? Especially if your goals and actions are aligned with you connecting to the divinity within. Who are you to allow the thoughts actions or voiced opinions of others detour you from your spiritual journey ? Do others know the pact that you made with God before you came down to Earth for this reincarnation? Or do you even? Sometimes the road less traveled by is actually the key to salvation and success. Allowing anyone to make you feel less than or weird because you look within or choose to research and exercise lifestyle changes that are not quote on quote normal are not fair to you. You don't have to be defensive or secretive... you could just be. If someone wants an explanation always be open to teach in the best ways that you know how without bashing or being disrespectful to anyone else's preferences even if they disrespect yours. The ignorance of others has been known to cause confusion for thousands of years, people have always feared what they don't understand. Accepting that you cannot make people embrace your changes or even accept them and see you in the light that you long to be seen in, will be one the biggest challenges that you face upon opening your life up to spirituality. Religious family members and friends may go out their way to make you feel uncomfortable because of their discomfort. You may find yourself becoming distant, or you may find yourself having to choose between those you love or living with your divinity.
Be encouraged. We are all not destined to become ascended masters or master teachers even, but we were all born with God given energies and the power of free will. The choice will and has always been yours just as it is anyone else's. The beauty of being unique and one of a kind is that you act and live as a leader. Your morals are your own to share with The Creator. You not only value the divinity in yourself and respect its position and calling in your life for greatness. Those are things that are sacred to you and God. The excitement, the purity, and the freedom is worth way more than worldly relationships that will eventually find their way to a point of reconciliation or were going to end anyway if they were not meant to be. These minor obstacles are merely tests sent directly to see if you will revert or continue on your journey to ascension. You decide.
I never let judgement stop me ... what some might have found as an embarrassing moment... for me was actually very entertaining now that I can use hindsight. In the photo you can clearly see me meditating in a pasture surrounded by palm trees. Well it was New Year's Eve and we were at a Hotel Resort is Florida for my cousin's wedding. I had flown for the first time and hadn't meditated in about 2 days. My head was hurting non stop, my apatite was non existent , I was completely overwhelmed. So I promptly dressed myself, grabbed my meditation bag and headed to the hotel courtyard ... little did I know ... As I meditated and comfortably , not understanding that it was seen as more of a bold gesture than a normality at this point ... but anyway, as I meditated comfortably , all of the guests watched out their windows as I sat there ...
I randomly heard my name being called from random places and heard them all laughing and making jokes "like hey are you collecting your powers from the sun" and although they were laughing and trying to hint that I may be crazy or weird, that is in fact exactly what I was doing. They had obviously had some sort of knowledge as to what was happening and why but not as much insight or the experience needed even, to understand in depth as to why in those moments meditation was so important for me. I ignored them for as long as I could because they insisted on calling my name , but I simply responded, when I decided to reply that is, "If you expanded your mind and allowed yourself to feel and be in this state you'd understand. You are where you are and I understand." and then I shot out a few other choice words and about how if they were gonna laugh anyway at a kind response and that such rudeness doing my sacred moment was uncalled for. ... they're still talking about that. But if I would've allowed their ignorance and them basking in all their jolliness at what was meant for my humiliation or at least since we're family in this case, just me being the butt of the joke. But still , I didn't allow that to make me insecure for had I did I would not have became YaYa KiKi a few short years later.
Life went on. And life became more and more beautiful and Now those same family remembers respect my position. They see how the lifestyle changes that I made uplifted me in every way. And although I'm grateful for the respect of those who I grew up with , I still would not have reverted my changes for the world.
If I were depressed, who was gonna feel those sad feelings for me? Who would be there to pick up my pieces or pay my bills even? Not any of the people making jokes I know that... So why would I allow any jokes to take away the most beautiful feeling that I knew I'd ever felt (next to becoming a Mother of course lol) . That's just my perspective ... and how I choose to continue to live, fearlessly.
Peace and Love